Writing an Emo/Hardcore album while in therapy
This might be the dumbest discussion topic ever, but I recently started a musical project that has been Grindcore/Experimental something something. Now, I've been trying to continue writing music, and it's most definitely gone in a significantly more Emo direction lyrically. I want it to be Emoviolence influenced mainly. The thing is though, I've also just started therapy (partially for some things I'm writing about), and I've been thinking about how it's gonna affect my songwriting. Like I wonder, if the therapy does work well, if it'll make me no longer feel comfortable actually recording the songs I've written.
I've heard a lot about musicians escaping depression or some sort of mental health issue while they're writing an album, and it totally changes the meaning that was originally intended. I guess I'm just wondering if there's anyone who can relate to that experience, having a significant change in mindset while in the midst of creating an album, and how much it really does change the process/final product.