Somatic therapy didn’t work

I’ve done several years of CBT. It has helped tremendously with my anxiety but now that my anxiety is gone I’m left with depression. I’m not sure if I’ve had depression my whole life but the anxiety was taking over?

CBT wasn’t working for my depression so I tried somatic therapy. I only had a few sessions but I think I grasped the concept and felt like it wasn’t going any further (it’s also really expensive). I already knew how to feel my emotions but now I’ve learned how to picture it, name it, what it looks like. I accept it. It’s ok to feel this way. But the depression still creeps in, almost right after I do this exercise. I keep telling myself it’s ok to feel depressed and not fight it but it still comes back right after. I’ve also tried to change my thoughts by naming things I’m grateful for but that doesn’t work either

I know about my awful childhood programming, my abusive parents and ex boyfriends. I’ve talked about my trauma like 50 times and I don’t even care about my trauma anymore. I can’t figure out why im depressed, I just am. The only way I can get out of it is if I force myself to hang out with my friends or when im working (distractions)

I do yoga, I dance, I make art, I walk everyday. All these things help a little but it’s not enough. When do I just give up and maybe it’s just a chemical issue in my brain?