[skin concerns] Ringworm that WONT GO AWAY and is spreading EVERYWHERE

Hey guys, I made a post about a little red patch I noticed a while back and I suspected it could be ringworm. Well shit it was ringworm.

I went to the doctor and she basically said, "use this OTC cream because the tablets are bad for your liver." Okay sure. Two weeks of using the cream did nothing and it spread. Awesome.

Coworker suggested Blue Star ointment. That helped a little, but it still kept spreading. Now there are small spots ALL OVER my back, sides, chest, stomach, left thigh, and shoulders. I have been pouring straight up vinegar on my arms because I am so scared of spreading it to the animals I work with. I smell like vinegar 24/7 and I itch HORRIBLY. I don't ever scratch though because I am scared of spreading it.

I wash my sheets every other day. I only wear my clothes once before washing. I bathe with Selsun Blue. I sleep with my boyfriend and he hasn't showed any signs of it...? WTF! Help guys.

Should I go to my doc for tablets?? I understand it is a doctor's decision, but I guess I don't know if this is serious enough to merit going back. I've been battling this for 4-6 weeks now and I am at my vinegar-scented wits end.

Edit: Thank you guys so much for your input. I thought I had exhausted my options, but I now I have a whole new game plan before I go for oral meds. You guys rock!