[Before&After] My progress of five years

On the first two pictures I was 16, on the third one I was 19 and the last two pictures are taken now at 21. My skin had actually gotten better after my first break out before having a second big break out at 19. This whole skin care thing is a long process and it takes time and patience and it doesn’t only include finding products that work for you but also fixing hormonal imbalances and your gut health. At 16 I didn’t know anything about skin care. I would just take off my makeup, maybe sometimes use some moisturiser. So when I had my first break out, I thought I just had to find one single product that would clear my skin. I’d go and buy anything I’d see on social media where people swore it made their acne disappear without knowing anything about the different types of ingredients and how they work. For now, I take care of my hormonal imbalance, I stick to the products that work for me and I always do my skin care routine with those.