[Routine Help] Retinol for stretch marks
I have stretch marks that are getting pretty bad. They're pretty recent so I was thinking of buying an OTC retinol to combat the ugly reddish purple color. The product I get would be for my body, so I immediately thought of a retinol lotion. However, I'm not sure how to fit one into my routine.
I shower at night before bed and typically put on lotion in the presence of lots of steam. I have dry skin and this is what I've found works best for hydrating it. My bosy routine is very bare, I use an aveeno lotion and a dove body wash. I have sensitive/dry skin so I don't have too much experience with active ingredients, but I'm interested in trying some out. I'd switch my usual lotion for a retinol lotion, but I've heard you're not supposed to use it on wet skin. I don't want to put on an active in the morning either because they typically work better at night (or so I've heard). I'm also worried that any retinol moisturizer I choose will be a retinol product first and a moisturizer second, and will have to be followed up by another lotion product.
Is it worth it for me to try and include retinol in my body routine? Should I choose a different category of product? Any tips or suggestions help!
TLDR: I want to use retinol for my stretch marks. What type of product do I buy to integrate it into my routine?