My hot takes with recent episodes!!!!
- Dong-ho and arin paradise date was one of the best dates we had this season
- Si-an is the most glazed by the panelist and producers not her fault though she is pretty
- I think Si-an will fall for theo at the end
- end game rumors with theo and youjin should be debunked by now as we can see they are best or close friends (same sense of humor)
- Junseo did Min seol dirty with that small talk then picking si-an
- Youjin focusing on dong-ho is adding more stress on him fr
- Junseo aggressive physical touch will probably put si-an of as we seen in the trailer for the next episodes
- The episode 8 game was one of the most boring games out of all single inferno games ever played
- Ji-yeon and te hwan screentime is screentime is so small it annoys me (Like the date was so short they better release a unrelease clip)
- By the end of this show jun-seo or Si-an will be the most hated on the show