Advice on how to be a worse student?

My name is something androgynous and I am a 17-19 year old male flying out of a mom and pop flight school at the moment. I chose part 141 because my parents thought it would beneficial to commit to a classroom style learning program in which I would refuse to pay attention to the instructor’s lessons.

I routinely show up late for all of my lessons and I make sure that I do not contact my instructor or respond to his messages; I have my mom take care of all that and she is barely literate.

During my preflight I refuse to adhere to any checklists and routinely forget essential items that require my attention. I think my instructor fucking loves it. Speaking of checklists, when I do them, I make sure to do them silently, and always forget a few major items as I’m abruptly and incompletely checking flight controls or whatever else I’m supposed to be doing.

Whenever I make a radio call, I try my very best to add new words or phrases I “think” should be included in the standard phraseology. Sometimes I’ll just key up the mic and shit the bed, refusing to let go until I turn and ask my instructor what I should say. I always wait until the perfect time when someone begins to talk and ensure that my radio call is made at the exact same time.

Despite my instructors numerous reminders to watch the end of the runway during the round out and flair, I think it’s best to fixate directly on the ground in front of me every single time. I’m not sure if he knows what he’s talking about because I land perfect on the nose wheel every time.

I love to rest my hand on and accidentally reach for the mixture during flights, especially turbulent days. And I refuse to keep my hand on the throttle during really any phase of flight. All of my power changes are enormously abrupt. And despite attending primary school, I can’t really figure out how to get the needle to match up to my assigned power setting and I still have no idea how to set a heading indicator.

I’m looking for some tips on how to be an even worse student? My instructor is really patient with me and tries to give me advice but if possible I would really like to just break him.