S/H for attention isn't a joke


"They're just S/Hing for attention" ...and?? Like "oh you got stabbed? I need to know why you got stabbed, so I can determine whether or not to call an ambulance" Since when did we villainize attention as of we're not social creatures?

"Nobody listens to you, nobody cares about your well-being, nobody bats an eye towards you and when you talk about your problems you're shut out, you can't afford a therapist and your friends only use you for your looks or your resources. But you want attention?? You hurt yourself so someone notices your problems?? Your feelings are invalid and nobody cares about you. I'll publicly shame you and spread rumors about you and how you're only doing this for attention."

No matter WHAT the reason is. S/H is always a problem. They don't just "want" attention, they need it so bad they're willing to risk their lives and permanently injure themselves for it. We're social creatures, we need attention. No matter how small it is, and people who S/H for attention have been starved of it. We should help them instead of bullying them, S/H isn't some sort of joke.

It's not like they're PRETENDING to hurt themselves, they don't bleed, get scars, wounds, bruises, ect. just for you to say that they're 'acting like' they're getting hurt. Maybe they aren't doing it for attention, maybe they are, what does it matter??? They're hurting themselves and their reasoning doesn't make it less painful for them or serious.