Cured my 9 month long sciatica nearly 100%
Hi, I've suffered from sciatica for around 9+ months. And it was so severe that many times throughout this period i could not walk more than 5 minutes/ sit for 10 minutes/ sleep in peace. I genuinely thought I would Live with this for the rest of my life.
What cured it... A combination of outer hip drop sets (strength) + figure 4 stretch ( lengthening piriformis)
Initially I had a disc injury which caused the sciatica, but as explained in low back ability channel, the tightness and damage spreads throughout the body, and eventually my disc was reabsorbed to a degree, but sciatica remained.
What that means is the cause of the pain is not the back anymore, it's somewhere else, for me it was the piriformis muscle, it was tight enough to squeeze on my nerve and cause both legs to be in excruciating pain everyday.
Just stretching it alone does not help, since initially it had made it more sensitive, but instead first strengthening through outer hip drop set and then stretching through figure 4 stretch had helped safely release the tension on the nerve.
The first session of this excercise gave me both a lot of relief and also a lot of pain in the hip muscles the next day. But this is how I knew it had been such a huge factor all this time.
Now over 1 month into doing this every alternate day ( combined with back extensions holds to desentisize the nerves in the back directly ), I have almost reduced my sciatica by 98%.
I don't really feel any pain anymore, even if I stretch my legs out etc. unless I do something extreme, but I hope even that will reduce with time.
Yall don't lose hope, from almost feeling like I'll have to live with this or have surgery, to having walked up a hill for 2.5 hours last week with 0 pain , your life can change, try to find the root cause.
P.S idk if this is relevant but I also added tibialis raise and calf raise into my workout to promote blood supply etc. to the calf/ lower leg region and maybe that helped somehow with the nerve pain recovery for below the knees ( maybe this had only a small contribution, not sure )
Edit: Bed matters the most, i swear I would sleep on a hard bed, and although a hard bed was good for my disc, it made sciatica worse, I switched to a softer bed and sciatica improved massively, I would wake up with no pain. Now after the sciatica issue had been resolved, I focused on solving the disc issue so now I reverted back to a hard bed, and after reverting back I had no issues with sciatica since it looks like I was able to resolve that issue.