Anyone else ever deal with having your SO causing family to "question" you (vent)?
I don't have a huge family to deal with, but I do have one daughter out of the nest who is married and has a baby. She never really has been helpful, or overly involved in anything with moms illness. But she also had moved out prior to when mom got bad. I got a recent situation going on however where my wife has decided to latch onto her in order to destroy my character. Leaving her siblings and I frustrated because we are now getting "questioned" or lectured on our interactions with mom. And it's honestly not only infuriating but destroying our relationships. My daughter recognizes that my wife is sick, so that's good. However picks apart how her siblings and I react and somewhat blames us for her being as bad as she is.
My wife also has been able to gas light her, and emotionally manipulate her. So in turn it makes my daughter question me on some of the most insane situations.
Yesterday was particularly frustrating because my wife is pretty much in a state of psychosis 24/7 around us. And spends most of her time making false accusations, and causing our daily lives to be hell. Which has now been going on for 5 years now. Yet when she went to my daughter she explained that she somehow seemingly put mom in a "better place", via some conversations she had. And thinks she is making "progress" with her... shockingly my wife came home and spent the next 3hrs ranting about how much my daughters lying to her, and came up with a bunch of new conspiracies in regards to her.... ya the "therapy" you provided didn't work...
Anyhow, does anyone else deal with extra layers of the people close to them getting suspicious that you are either A. exaggerating things, or B. doing XYZ abusive things in reality?
Side note: not asking for any "is she medicated" or "NAMI, LEAP, ETC" responses. Just experiences with the frustrations.