
I am just so sick and tired of mislabeled plants in the hobby! I like species and grow strictly species. I have nothing against people who like hybrids, but the labels that people slap on plants is just so irritating. I see Nepenthes x ventrata labeled as "N. alata" everywhere. I'm seriously skeptical of any nonspecific D. spatulata that comes from a non-specialized source now that D. tokaiensis is becoming widespread. Sarracenias are literally rendered unidentifiable without a tag! The same pretty much goes for pings.There was a post earlier asking about a D. paradoxa, and it just so happens that most commercial TC D. paradoxa aren't even the original species, it's fucking D. aff paradoxa which may or may not be a hybrid! You'd think that they'd get the correct species when they start TCing the plants but no. WTF, I just want the species, man, is it that hard?