Why do artists "price their commissions so high"?

As a disclaimer, if you're that person that constantly tells people their art isn't "worth that much", you're an asshole, and here's why:

The average hourly rate is $25-38 USD per hour for artists and designers according to The US Department of Labor Occupational Labor Statistics for 2020.

A person charging 100k for commissions isn't even making $5. Using the ratio '2 robux = 1k rhd' a 100k rhd commission is worth 200 robux; or basically $2.50.

When you tell people their art isn't worth 50k or 30k, you're telling them it isn't worth more than a dollar, and that's insulting.

As an artist, I spend around 6-10 hours per art piece (and that's if I'm super inspired or having a good day). If I charged $20 (which is less than the average above) per hour, at a minimum, my art would be $120.

$120 is 11,700 robux, which equals 5,850,000 diamonds.

Most artists here don't make over $5 per art piece!

You spend $5 on robux or just buying snacks at school during the week. Do not insult someone just because you would rather have that money for something else; we deserve so much more than pennies on the dollar.

~ Thank you for coming to my Ted talk <3