Who’s ultimately splitting up?

I know HEA is always presumed and in historicals divorce is just not realistic for most couples, but if there are NO barriers of financial hardship or social stigma and folks are free to hit da bricks…

…which book couples do you see eventually parting ways? Either pretty swiftly OR many years down the line/after the kids are grown. Even if there’s a canon epilogue or carryon series with the same characters that says they stayed together. I wanna know who you think isn’t meant to last.

(And that’s okay! Forever is a loooooong time and it’s VERY recently that many women were even able to get their own bank accounts and independent livelihoods etc etc. I love my grandparents in varying degrees and they ‘till death do they parted but as I got older and got in on some of the family Lore I realized there’s a non-zero amount of toxic mess that my grandmothers put up with from their boos and I could Never.)

Anyway, can you tell my colleague left the TV playing a Divorce Court marathon in the background? 😅 And sometimes I see romances where I’m like “okay you’re In Love and Horny as Hell but…do y’all even LIKE each other?”