Huge sex scene pet peeve

A real pet peeve of mine I have been having in heterosexual romance books these days is how little focus are on the guys pleasure in the sex scenes. There will be pages of prose on the how well he licks her pussy and the various ways he’s pleasuring her. Like sure he will say how much he likes it  but really other than that there isn’t much showing how much he likes it. Where are the pages waxing poetic about his dick. 

If I am lucky I might get a throw away sentence or something on him adjusting his pants or maybe a few comments here and there that basically sums up to “he’s big”. Where’s the ball fondling? Where’s the play by play on his dick status? Literally a lot of stories go she gets oral, then sex happens. SOMETIMES he gets oral but it’s like 2 pages about her pussy being eaten while his dick gets sucked for like 2 paragraphs.

I am going to hold ya’ll’s hands when I say this as it might come as a shock to some, but I am a heterosexual woman and I love dicks. I genuinely find absolutely nothing enthralling about vagina’s, clits, etc. It is akin to watching the grass grow for me. I know shocking revelation. I actually will skip scenes where the FMC gets eaten out, as I am so utterly bored.

I just find it really frustrating as I feel like I am simultaneously the demographic for these novels but also not? Because if I am….uh where’s the dicks?