Is Retals the new SquishyMuffinz?

Ladies and gentlemen, I am thrilled we could come together this evening to discuss the similarities of the Rocket League players Retals, and SquishyMuffinz.

Topic 1 - Team Composition

Retals RMC team has been together for over a year now, and I think a grave mistake has been made. This team, after a season of mediocrity has decided to stick. Now, after two regional flops its very apparent this season will be another year of mediocrity, or worse. Very similar to the late Squishy, Jstn, Garret team composition that went down the same road that lead to the same destination.

Topic 2 - Skill / Mechanics

At the end of Squishy's professional career his mechanics weren't the pinnacle of the pro scene, a distant memory of the season 6 trend setting Squishy we remember. Retals on the other hand, never actually had the mechs, his strong suit was his ferocious presence on and off the field, especially on lan. That Retals, the one we remember being a complete menace on the field is a distant memory now. The current Retals is one who is trying to get his mechs up, but losing his bite in the process.

Topic 3 - Lan Appearances

Like Squishy, Retals in the last couple seasons is starting to get knocked out early, or miss out on lans all together. Standing in the shadow of their former selves, trying to get where they once were.