What genres do you produce? What made you choose REAPER?
I wouldn't say REAPER is a 'mainstream' DAW. The impression I get (I might be totally wrong though) is that it seems to be favoured by mostly tech-heads for its customiseability, or mixing engineers/people who do live recording sessions who want an alternative to Pro tools. I'm not either of those, and I was wondering how many of you use REAPER to produce music, and what genre do you produce in? Also what made you choose REAPER over other daws? What are the advantages/disadvantages for you? Let's have a discussion :)
Answering these questions from my perspective:
- I'm a beginner producer with a classical/jazz background, exploring the more mainstream electronic genres such as (\insert sub-genre here*) house, and trap/future bass.*
-Originally I chose REAPER cause of the low price! After using it for 6 months or so, i can say:
ADVANTAGES: UNLIMITED POOOWWWEEERR!!! Suprisingly good, cpu-light stock plugins for effects. Powerful bussing. The existence of Kenny Gioia. Intuitive sometimes, but...
DISADVANTAGES: Frustratingly unintuituitive sometimes. No 'pattern' workflow for arrangement like FL and Ableton have. I find having so many tracks and automation lanes annoying. Pitch shift algorithm is no where near Ableton's. Automatic fade-ins on media with transients is annoying. Few content creators for Reaper. No good synth out of the box (Although Synth1 is bae)
Overall though, I don't think I'd be able to switch even if I wanted to.