Chainmail Skirt (finally!)
A while ago I posted about buying some chainmail material. It's identical to material used for Paris Hilton's pink dress.
I mentioned it was a pain to work with and that I'd post a tutorial when I'd refined a technique.... and....this isn't the promised tutorial. It is, however, the best example of what I've been able to make so far. There are a couple of different ways of doing it, but I think this gets the best result.
It's not perfect and I actually changed what I was doing midway through! But I think I can probably produce a better example on my next try.
My intention is to film the process of making the next one and post that along with instructions.
Oh, and I also want to make a dress, which is a bit tricker.
Note: Photo really doesn't do the material justice. You can purchase on Amazon or ebay. Just search for 'chainmail fabric' or 'chainmail material and it should come up.
Any questions, holler