my bunny keeps peeing on my bed please help.
my bunny is litter box trained so i’m not sure why he’s doing it because he has no issue using his litter box.
he always has accidents on nights on my bed when i’m not present in the room which i’m not sure why. i think it may just be a scent thing? or because it’s soft? i don’t know if it’s starting to piss me off more because i hate having to wash my bedding every time he pees when i want to sleep.
he also KNOWS he isn’t allowed on my bed because each time he hops on and i sit up to kick him off it, he scurries away and hops down on his own. so he obviously knows he isn’t suppose to do it.
i’ve tried the vinegar stuff, doing the whole putting his accidents in his litter box. its just upsetting me because it’s that specific spot even though i’ve deep cleaned it but to be fair it is an old, hand-me-down bed. so may that be a reason?