Balance Ideas: What if Megagrow had removal, stalling and ways to capitalize on Moving zombies?

The core idea is to make Megagrow able to remove weaker zombies utilizing things like Sweet Pea, Banana Peel and Whipvine. Those cards have a lower removal "range" than other removal cards outside of the class and are weaker against a lot of pressure, but that is possibly compesated by the megagrow removal keeping your card advantage or adding instant tempo to the board. Whipvine specially has on par stats and a quite good removal, but on a full board for the zombies it cannot perform it's abillity, similarly to Banana Peel.

Sweet Potato and Sweet Pea are plants that can be used to slow down early game and midgame, so Megagrow's slower wincons such as Onion Rings don't suffer from lacking stall, while also Sweet Potato/Pea are plants which means they can be buffed. While most of the time Sweet Potato and sometimes Sweet Pea will not be able to remove the zombies by themselves, they're fairly versatile by buying you a lot of tempo or stall while punishing the opponent for playing zombies that rely too much on hitting face or focused on making great trades (Cheese Cutter, Spacetime, Cyborg and etc). However, cards that prefer staying alive even if they don't do much on the board itself, such as Conman, Gargologist and Teacher will be quite effective against Sweet Potato and also sometimes against Sweet Pea.

Muscle Sprout's new effect can capitalize on those reworked cards overall while also naturally gaining stats from winning trades or from opponents blocking it, so it is more of a card meant to proactively drain your opponent's tempo and card advantage somewhat similarly to Gravitree, except it costs much less at the disavantage of being fairly easy to remove with tricks. Due to the game's mechanics, Muscle also reactively gets buffed from when a gravestone zombie on its lane is revealed, giving it an unique interaction on a class that usually does not have ways to deal with graves on the turn they are played.

I'd love to hear criticisms on these proposed changes, and specially if the changes are conceptually good.