how long did you stay during your longest stay?

my longest stay was about only 49 days and that's because I was about to turn 18 and they couldn't keep me anymore so they sent me home one day before my birthday which I was grateful of because it's an abusive place and hopefully I don't go back because they said the adult unit is worse than the adolescent unit. but if It wasnt due to my birthday I would've been there for about 3-6+ months because my social worker at the time said it took that long to get into a residential and the unit i was staying in was a long term unit. and tbh my social worker didnt want to release me because of what i said happens at home and cps was involved while i waw in there. but i didnt escape the abuse because they were so abusive there. shortest stay tho was when I was 13 and it was only 7 days. don't go to trinitas psych ward in new jersey