Does it ever end?
How can I love him again?
Does it ever end?
My husband says he been looking at porn/nudes since he was 13 years old. He’s now 34.
I found out he was j/o to online nudes/OF a year ago. He swore he’d stop buying OF. According to his bank statements, he has done as promised and has not paid for any pics since October.
The regular nudes online, is still occurring.
He says he rarely does it but will Not and can Not promise me he will stop.
It’s not even about the porn anymore. It’s the way he’s acting and the way he treats me.
We can’t talk about it.
if I try to have a one on one conversation with him, He acts out, tries to justify himself and says it’s no big deal. He also asked me if I was Retarded because I’m trying too hard to get him to understand why I hate it. He says it’s normal, and that all guys do it. That it’s stupid to be this angry about it.
I’ve done everything I could do. I’ve provided him with homemade pics/vids.. I feel like I’m a good wife but I’ll never understand the obsession with porn. I want a man that doesn’t need those things. I want him to have the desire for my body and only my body. I feel like I’m asking too much here.
He tells me he thinks it more weird to Jerkoff to my pics. He says it doesn’t do anything for him. He said he appreciates the gesture but it’s not enough. That he’s seen me naked- every angle. He says there’s no surprises anymore. He wants new and exciting women (online)
How can anyone bounce back from that? We still have sex but it’s just sex… there’s no romance/passion.. no connection with my husband. When we have sex I try to enjoy it because life is too short. I know he loves me, but I just can’t understand why he’s treating me this way. I wish I never looked through his phone. I’m Glad I found out he was paying for nudes because that was just a dick move. I’m not sure if I truly believe all guys need porn quite like he’s explaining…