Banning memes will only hurt this sub
While meme formats like "Cold, Temperate, Warm" and "Absolute Cinema" were overused and stale, banning them isn't the best course of action. Even if they get annoying fast, these memes are the reason why many have joined this sub. It seems like not even Phoenix agrees with the bans, since one of his recent videos featured many Absolute Cinema edits. The "banned" meme formats should be a strenght of this sub, not something to be purged. I think a better way to handle this would be to do something similar to r/TheTenthDentist. There, food posts are only allowed during the weekends, since otherwise the sub would be filled to the brim with them. This would do wonders here, allowing more original posts to not be drowned by the memes, while also giving said meme formats their own place in the sub.