Excessive clotting on birth control? Dunno what’s normal

I’ve always had some clotting since I first started my period (19f), but for past 6 months or so I’ve been passing bigger clots than usual. They’ll be brown or dark red, sometimes super stringy and fleshy (gross, sorry). I have a high pain tolerance so my cramps are relatively manageable but can be hella uncomfortable when I occasionally pass decidudal casts. I switched to a diva a cup around the same time I noticed a difference in clotting, and my period length and shorted to 4-5 days. I’ve also been on birth control for the past two years or so. I never thought much of it until I talked to a pharmacist to refill my bc prescription yesterday, when he asked if I’m clotting a lot. I said no without really thinking about it and now I’m wondering if the increase in clotting control is a side effect of the pill that may or not be concerning? I dunno. Should I talk to a doctor/pharmacist? I’d appreciate any advice from someone who knows this stuff or can relate. Cheers