HELP! My 4 month old cries 24/7.

My 4 month old daughter seems to be upset majority of the time. Sometimes I’m able to soothe her, other times I do everything I possibly can to get her to stop crying - ie: rocking, walking around inside/outside while bouncing & patting butt, bicycle legs, teething medicine, Tylenol, gas medicine, etc. NOTHING HELPS! I breastfeed, & the only thing that soothes her most of the time is the boob. However, if I let her use me as a paci when she doesn’t want the actual pacifier? She ends up over eating, spitting up & screaming in pain. I am at the point of having to time her nursing & take her off after so long because she will eat & eat & eat & make herself miserable. I am at a loss. I don’t know what to do, I feel like I’m going crazy. I do have help when I get overwhelmed but only when my husband is off of work. Is my baby colicky??? WHAT DO I DO? I have brought this to the pediatricians attention & she says “she will grow out of it” but WHEN? I can’t even put her down for 5 minutes without her throwing a HUGE FIT! I feel guilty for being so frustrated & overwhelmed. I’m just at a loss & I want to cry.