Thoughts on Lake Guardians' deck
I'll try to run them with Giant Cape and Dusknoir and see if they just don't die in one hit. I believe Professor Oak, Pokeball, Pokemon Communication, and Mystical Slab might make the deck at least consistent, and Dawn can help with energy reallocation to Mesprit. Cyrus seems like a good option, since Azelf can damage the bench.
I don't know if Giratina will be that good in this Deck, because you want Uxie out to ramp up Mesprit and maybe Azelf. I can see it working out, because once Giratina has an energy attached, it can retreat freely; something pretty good, since you constantly want to switch in and out in this deck.
I want to run Dusknoir, so that Cyrus can't pick me up, but with the 70 Hp the Lake Guardians have, +20 Hp from the Giant Cape, I don't really know if preventing Cyrus would even matter.
I heard people talking about ramping Mesprit up with Gardevoir Psy Shadow, but at that point, this just becomes a Mewtwo deck with extra steps.
Others cards I think might fit into the deck are Blue for -10 Damage taken, Potion, for +20 Hp healing, X Speed, for retreating Uxie into Mesprit without an energy loss, Shaymin, for free +10 HP healing per turn, Florges, for a big 120 Hp pull, a cheap two energy 80 damage attack that heals +20 Hp to everyone, plus early sleep with Flabèbè; and maybe Togekiss + Cynthia as the main damage dealer, and the Lake Guardians just as support cards, with Uxie as a ramper to Azelf and Mesprit, Azelf targeting the bench for Cyrus, and Mesprit as a late game burst of damage once Togekiss goes down.
I believe they might be mid at best, but I think it'll be fun.