"Buttery Smooth Aim" Perfect Settings Guide V2
(Updated or reviewed 10/23/2022)
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After doing some research I was able to get perfect feeling aim again. I recommend giving this a try especially if you have a good gaming PC. You will need your FPS counter on vs. AI to set this up. Practice Range gets much higher FPS than usual so it's not a good testing area.
On a few different maps, try to get in the enemy AI's face (playing as a Tank helps) since this is a good way to find your minimum FPS. Round down from there and you've likely found where your FPS Limit should be. This will stabilize your FPS and keep your aim feeling consistent. After this make sure there's never more than 1 dot next to the FPS counter, since 1 dot means you're CPU-bound and that's another thing we want in order to minimize latency. If you even see it flicker above 1 dot then continue to lower the FPS Limit or your graphical settings. I have a GTX 1070 + i7 6700k and 200 FPS Limit works for me. Lastly, you can set Reflex to Enabled instead of Boost since it's the safer option for performance plus reduces stuttering for some people, and Reflex doesn't engage except when GPU-bound anyway.
Aim settings:
1. Set V-Sync to Off.
2. Set Triple Buffering to Off.
3. Set your Display Mode to Fullscreen, not Windowed or Borderless.
4. In Gameplay->General set High Precision Mouse Input to On.
5. In Gameplay->General set both Limit Client Send Rate and Limit Server Send Rate to Off.
6. In Accessibility->General set Camera Shake to Reduced, Hud Shake to Off and Reduce Menu Movement to On.
7. See if your aim feels better with Reduced Buffering set to On. This has very little difference at high FPS. I keep it off for convenience, since there's a bug where you will need to reactivate it each time you alt-tab Overwatch.
8. Consider avoiding pixel skipping: https://pyrolistical.github.io/overwatch-dpi-tool/.
9. Try using 1:1 relative zoom on certain heroes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/9ui5hv/comment/e94jup4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3.
Visibility settings (OPTIONAL):
1. Set your Graphics Quality lower to reduce visual clutter. Here's mine.
2. Set Render Scale to 80%. I feel this helps me focus on enemies and makes the environment less distracting. Most can skip this setting unless you're an experimental competitive player.
3. Set High Quality Upsampling to Default since it doesn't help FPS much and the game is more crisp without it.
4. If you use Anti-aliasing, set it to at least Medium instead of Low to avoid blurriness. Doesn't impact FPS much either.
5. Test using more "competitive" reticles such as Dot or small Crosshairs and set them to a bright color of your preference.
6. You can try tinkering with your in-game brightness, or set RGB Range to Limited if you have the option in Nvidia Control Panel to see better in dark areas. Blue light reducing programs like f.lux or Windows Night Light can also hinder in-game visibility and I make sure they're off during competitive play.