Compiling Cyril Leeder'scomments On TSN 1200

Compiling @sensbuzz posts on Twitter. He was paraphrasing so not exact.

On the decision to play preseason games in Quebec City, whats your initial reaction to the fans reactions

  • We've been working on this for awhile with Quebec City, Its a move in our part to expand our broadcast footprint with Franchophone fans, our broadcast region ranges from Kingston to the Maritimes, we've played in the maritime a couple years ago, we want to play two in Quebec City and its easy to play there, they have a big building as the Kings have just played there

  • Its dollar neutral for us, we just want to establish ourselves in that territory, we have Ottawa, Montreal has Montreal, but everything East is up for grabs

It became sensitive and angry with the mention of Home Games in QC and the Spartacat Jersey

  • The Jersey was a nod to Nordiques fans, we're not likely going to convert Habs fans in the region, but if someone a Nordiques fan we have a chance to turn em. We would probably do it differently if we had a chance to do it again

  • This isn't a tactic by Andlauer to pressure the NCC, we've planned this for awhile and it had nothing to do with the events from last week

  • Regular season games have never been discussed, it came up from one of the reporters, and Andlauer said this isn't something the Owner controls, its up to the NHL

how cognisant is the organization about rival fans trolling the Sens with relocation in the past

  • We need to be sensitive to that, but we have a new owner here, he's a francophone with ties to Quebec, and this is important to him to make connections in Quebec like in Gatineau

  • Andlauers a man of his word, Ottawa is his home, and he's committed to the city

On targetting QC and not Gatineau

  • We need to build the fanbase in Gatineau, in Quebec, and in the maritime, the best transaction as a business is someone buying a ticket, the next best thing is viewership - and a viewer in Quebec City is just as important as a viewer in Gatineau, they hold the same weight

  • The reaction has been 50/50 on twitter, its generally been positive on Facebook, the French media has well received Thomas Chabot came on his day off, Antoine Vermette showing out, this was the objective today. We're not LA or Boston, we're a team with Francophone roots and we'd welcome them in our fanbase

Whats your sense on the NCC process

  • I talked to the NCC today, this is a very complicated project, but talks are positive. We would all love to have shovels in the ground tomorrow and a day for pcuk drop. But we're not in a position to commit to a definitive timeline yet - and I believe that's where a lot of frustrations are coming from right now

more on NCC, and Lebreton

  • We are not looking at alternatives to Lebreton. Bruce Firestone championed if you're exploring a Plan B you don't have a Plan A anymore. We are committed to Lebreton