Call local reps to prevent anti trans laws in AZ!!!

I know 5 calls is awesome, but it doesn't help us to connect to local representatives for AZ specific issues, so please follow these steps, it's important! (Any proof reading/suggestions welcome for the script!)

Anti trans laws in AZ right now: AZ HB 2062: Sex-based terms; laws; rules; regulations AZ SB 1002: Pronouns; biological sex; school policies AZ SB 1003: Public schools; restrooms; reasonable accommodations AZ SB 1256: Diversity; equity; inclusion; training; prohibition AZ SB 1687: Gender transition; public funds; prohibition

How to find members of your AZ State Legislature: When you're looking at the roster, click the "District" on the blue bar to sort them.

Call script: Copied and modified from 5 calls, sources pasted at the bottom;

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [CITY, ZIP].

I'm calling to demand that [REP/SEN NAME] vote NO on the proposed and prefilled laws of SB1002, SB1003, HB2062, SB1256, and SB1687, as well as any other future legislation aimed at harming the LGBTQ+ community. Arizona has been estimated to have around 41, 200 transgender individuals living in our state, making us number 11 most populated state in the country. Prior ordinances have already been put into place to progress transgender rights. Arizona must not go backwards! These bills would strip thousands of Arizonans of vital and past approved protections, and effectively act as vicious attacks on an already vulnerable community. I urge you to fight back against these infringements on human rights and vote no, as well as ask you to propose or cosponsor rights-affirming legislation to prevent denial of legal identification (passports), banning of gender affirming-care, discriminatory definitions of sex and gender, and banning trans people from certain spaces.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

IF LEAVING VOICEMAIL: Please leave your full street address to ensure your call is tallied.