The marines, in their infinite wisdom, sent Very Good to capture all of the CP9. Say you're a marine official overseeing the mission. Who do you think is most suitable to be dispatched without wasting manpower?

On the cover story, we see Very Good leading marines against CP9. We don't see a single injury from the fight on cp9 (bandages on Lucci are from Luffy). He wasn't even a challenge to them. I mean, dude has balls for not faltering at the suicide-mission he was given.

But say you have to make a call. Who are you picking to send? It can be team-up as well.

On the cover story, we see Very Good leading marines against CP9. We don't see a single injury from the fight on cp9 (bandages on Lucci are from Luffy). He wasn't even a challenge to them. I mean, dude has balls for not faltering at the suicide-mission he was given.

But say you have to make a call. Who are you picking to send? It can be team-up as well.