Thoughts on One Piece Stampede?
Just finished watching this last night. Definitely a step down from the last three movies, but still a lot of fun. Some random thoughts.
- Animation was super good, has the Wano Style line art and texturing was super good like was some of this hand drawn instead of digital?
- CGI however was....*very* bad! Looked like a bad PS2 game and unfortunately it dominates one crucial part of the movie but I'll get to it.
- Every Strawhat gets a chance to shine in this one which is awesome. A surprising amount of focus on Usopp and he's low-key the best part of the movie.
- First act of this movie is probably the best part. Packed with so many references not just to the One Piece story but to other movies and even old filler arcs. Honestly 10/10 piece of fanservice.
- Boa Hancock running like the Juggernaut the biggest hype in the whole thing!
- Douglas Bullet kinda blows. I like his design, and his initial fight with Luffy and the Supernovas is amazing. His final form however is one of the most god-awful CGI monsters I think I've ever seen. His backstory is super half-baked also. Did Roger really have this wack-job on his crew!?
Overall, this is definitely a dip in quality from the previous three Strong-World Era Films. If I had to rank this, it'd be below those and also probably Movie's 4 and 6. However it's still really fun flick and for it's mission of being a 20th Anniversary event for the fans, I think it delivers and then some! Worth a watch!!