Specialization Resets
Can we talk about how terrible the current state of memetic specializations are? I was really hoping they would update it from the CBT, but no. It’s still complete RNG, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to farm the resets.
So your character gets 10 specializations, and you only get to reset 5 (gated over the course of 5 weeks btw, can’t have players resetting as they’re leveling.)
I’m currently at 6 specializations, and all of my options have been trash so far. So I’m just sitting here thinking “wow, my character is shit thanks to rng, better luck next season!”
Without being able to freely select what specs you want, or having a way to farm respec points, what incentive is there to keep playing when you can see early on that you were dealt a shit hand? Doesn’t seem like a healthy way for sustainable engagement.