Answering the “Can Vampires Have Sex” debate
So I saw a post in the unofficial subreddit on an individual asking other subs how vampires have sex. Now obviously there’s a myriad of different vampire stories, lore, and races, but they somewhat fit underneath the same umbrella (no pun intended). So I’m gonna do my best and try to recall my extensive vampire media knowledge (Excluding I Am Legend, Twilight, etc)
If we’re going by classic vampires, as in undead and immortal, then there are some glaring issues;
•Vampires tend to lack any circulatory system. So in a lot of cases, vampire men won’t be able to get it up.
•Vampires are usually cold to the touch, as being undead and hiding from light will do that to you. If you were to physically embrace, they’d likely be at the same temperature as a corpse in the morgue. In some lores, when they freshly feed on blood, their body heat is a bit lower than room temperature.
•They likely would not receive any sort of arousal from physical features or gestures.
However, there’s modern vampires who do, in fact, thrive in eroticism. And I’ll list a few of the prominent ones
•Author Anne Rice, who wrote the Vampire Chronicles, stated that sex (for vampires) is more about blood draining and feeding than anything else. To them, drinking fresh blood would be like getting an orgasm.
•In a lot of modern media, when vampires feed, they gain heightened senses, such as touch, smell, and sight. This could definitely boost sexual pleasure in bed, as they feel things more intensely than a human.
Sometimes, a vampire biting someone can be a sign of affection or sexual dominance, essentially “marking” you. In Vampire: The Masquerade, there are two ways this happens:
•Blood Bond: If a vampire feeds their blood to someone (usually 3 times), it creates an intense emotional and supernatural dependency, where the victim becomes devoted and sometimes fanatically obsessed with their vampire, essentially making them a servant. This can be done to both humans and vampires.
•The Embrace: If a vampire drains a human to the point of death and then immediately gives them their blood, the human is reborn as a vampire. This is extremely pleasurable to both parties, as it creates a more personal bond than a blood bond. Think of it as losing your virginity.
So if we’re going by most modern iterations of vampires, yes, you would be able to do the sex with them, albeit with extra steps. Pregnancy, on the other hand, I’m not sure of (besides Twilight)
TLDR: Depends on lore.
So I saw a post in the unofficial subreddit on an individual asking other subs how vampires have sex. Now obviously there’s a myriad of different vampire stories, lore, and races, but they somewhat fit underneath the same umbrella (no pun intended). So I’m gonna do my best and try to recall my extensive vampire media knowledge (Excluding I Am Legend, Twilight, etc)
If we’re going by classic vampires, as in undead and immortal, then there are some glaring issues;
•Vampires tend to lack any circulatory system. So in a lot of cases, vampire men won’t be able to get it up.
•Vampires are usually cold to the touch, as being undead and hiding from light will do that to you. If you were to physically embrace, they’d likely be at the same temperature as a corpse in the morgue. In some lores, when they freshly feed on blood, their body heat is a bit lower than room temperature.
•They likely would not receive any sort of arousal from physical features or gestures.
However, there’s modern vampires who do, in fact, thrive in eroticism. And I’ll list a few of the prominent ones
•Author Anne Rice, who wrote the Vampire Chronicles, stated that sex (for vampires) is more about blood draining and feeding than anything else. To them, drinking fresh blood would be like getting an orgasm.
•In a lot of modern media, when vampires feed, they gain heightened senses, such as touch, smell, and sight. This could definitely boost sexual pleasure in bed, as they feel things more intensely than a human.
Sometimes, a vampire biting someone can be a sign of affection or sexual dominance, essentially “marking” you. In Vampire: The Masquerade, there are two ways this happens:
•Blood Bond: If a vampire feeds their blood to someone (usually 3 times), it creates an intense emotional and supernatural dependency, where the victim becomes devoted and sometimes fanatically obsessed with their vampire, essentially making them a servant. This can be done to both humans and vampires.
•The Embrace: If a vampire drains a human to the point of death and then immediately gives them their blood, the human is reborn as a vampire. This is extremely pleasurable to both parties, as it creates a more personal bond than a blood bond. Think of it as losing your virginity.
So if we’re going by most modern iterations of vampires, yes, you would be able to do the sex with them, albeit with extra steps. Pregnancy, on the other hand, I’m not sure of (besides Twilight)
TLDR: Depends on lore.