“If he wanted to, he would”

We often hear this and personally, I think this is true and definitely applies when you are in the talking or dating stages. Coz come to think about it, even though you’re really really busy, at this day and age, everyone always has their phones with them and you can definitely send a simple “i’m busy, can’t reply” message to the person you’re talking to instead of leaving them on delivered for 24 hours or even a few days (which just takes 5 seconds to do). How hard can that be right? It’s pretty easy if you’re really interested to the person that you’re talking to but if you aren’t then that’s gonna be really hard. A person’s effort really does reflect their interest in you.

Funny tho, coz even though I have this realization, I’m still talking to a guy who already did this to me multiple times (what a clown, self 🤡) He explains naman but he’s always using the reasons na he’s busy and/or he fell asleep daw. Hope I get the courage to walk away from this situation soon.