so this might offend you guys but hey its my opinion and correct me if I'm wrong so these gods, Hindu gods like shiva, Krishna...
i actually do not believe in them. i think they are hypothetical characters made by humans or they might be a very powerful in their ages but i don't think they are omnipotent beings or can say they truly are the gods. I believe there might be a true god somewhere who has created this beautiful life on earth and the whole galaxy. i cannot say that it happened out of the blue.
so what my point is that why are we worshiping these manmade characters, instead of worshipping our parents who gave birth to us, who have incorporated their behaviors, their lessons, they gave us food, shelter, education, a good life and gave us what we wanted, helped us out in most of our tough times..
so why waste time worshiping these fake gods and start showing respect to our parents who are the actual gods.
i am saying these because people go mad about worshipping, seeing some unique structure in rocks and start worshipping that. i mean yeah i agree if these things are not there then our whole culture will be erased. But still this is just my opinion.