13.8 Billion Years

The universe is old and vast, expanding
We don’t yet understand it’s complexities
There is more dark matter than we know
But 13.8 billion years isn’t that long ago
Just a speck of stardust floating in space
We live our entire lives in a frantic haste

Supernovas far away implode with grace
Black holes orbit each other; rare embrace
White dwarfs and red giants born everyday
Only to gleam for a while in ecstatic display
Is it true there’s more space within an atom
Than all of the mystery hidden in the skies?

Are neurones in our brain filled with chaos
A little bit more than visible entropy implies?
And eyes, these glossy mirrors on our face
Do they replicate how the galaxy shines?
There is causality at the root of decisions
We walk farther down the same road again

Lay on the grass, stare up at constellations
We briefly glimpse at the nebula from here
Reach out and touch the zenith, ever clear
We hold hands pretending we aren’t torn
Perfectly in half like Jupiter’s 84th moon
So let’s be silent now, watch this star rise

From the East, like it has since past began
We realise now staring at a blinding light
That even photons behave, act to a plan
We have lived this life over a million times
Our souls are ancient and we really wonder
Why we roll the dice with celestial rhymes

& The sun was young but we were younger
So let’s scream into the void again, hoping
The eternal promise can finally be fulfilled
So we don’t lose truth in this myriad frame
& We can be together thru colours spilled

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