What should I advise?
My sister works for an insurance company - she's been on the floor for a little over a month. She complains that the micromanaging is unlike any job she has worked, but she minds her business and does her job always assisting with OT as reps are limited. She was wrote up yesterday and has been giving a tier 3 write up for "call avoidance" and told another incident and she will be terminated. My sister notice mental health decreasing significantly after the death of our cousin and went to a mental health professional last Monday and was diagnosed with severe anxiety, depression and ADHD and recently loss her best friend/cousin due to a freak accident a few days before the incident. They are stating 5 out of hundreds of calls she ended the call early - or didn't say anything and which she stated she was having a panic attack- took a few mins to get herself together (took meds) and went right back to taking calls. She reached out to HR to discuss this as she does not interact with her manager, HR said reach out to manager and request leave of absence if needed. My sister stated she needs to continue working as it help takes her mind off of it. My question is - due to the tragic incident and the mental health she's going through- could the write up be removed? I'm trying to help her but idk what to say or advise. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks