How are you all having sex again after becoming new parents?
I’m about 14 weeks postpartum and me and my partner still haven’t had sex yet.
We have a great relationship apart from the lack of sex and we did have sex while I was pregnant, albeit less than normal.
However I just can’t seem to get back into the mental space to do it again? I want to do it but I just don’t feel hugely interested- I’m EBF so perhaps hormones are to blame? I’m also quite scared as I had stitches down there and I’ve heard it can be quite painful, I guess lack of sleep only adds to the disinterest.
My partner is amazing and I know he too would like to do it again but probably feels similarly to me and would never push to me do it…
However, the longer it goes on, I find myself getting more down about it and wondering if we will ever find the time again.
Anyone else?