8mo old prefers independent play more than play with us?
Hi everyone! I was wondering if this is normal for my 8 month old. I know some people dream of having babies that love to independent play, but my 8 month old seems to really enjoy it, almost to the point where he seems bothered if me and dad are in the room or interrupt him. He’ll play for at least 15-20 minutes at a time before crying out for us, and he usually only cries if he gets hungry or is ready for a nap. He enjoys when we make faces with him, sing and play music, and dance with him. But anything beyond that if it involves his toys he doesn’t seem very interested and gets fussy within a few minutes! Even with reading, he gets very tuned out if he’s not allowed to touch the book and ultimately rip the pages 😅 his is a very happy baby overall and the sweetest thing. I guess maybe I should just take it as a blessing but I always feel guilty leaving him alone to play for so long even if he’s happy. I’m just overthinking right and this is perfectly normal?