
I will start by saying I overall have a very nice nanny gig. I nanny part time so that I can pursue my other endeavors, but I'm starting to grow frustrated. The lack of security in the position, lack of true sick days or PTO is getting stressful. But I digress. My nanny parents are pretty absent if I'm being honest, not a judgement just an observation. Both of my nanny kids are sick. Extremely high fevers for over 5 days. Parents haven't taken them to the doctor, haven't Covid tested, haven't flu tested...nothing. And I of course have to work and be around these kids despite how sick they are. Parents make them go to school and all their activities despite having fevers and being contagious. I know this is normal and part of the job but to me this is a bit ridiculous given that this is a bit extreme. It's frustrating as a nanny that we have to risk our own health. I have a large family gathering this weekend that I cannot be sick for as I don't want to spread any sickness to others or have to miss the important occasion. How do you all handle this? Do some nanny's get PTO or sick days? I'm debating taking the next couple of days off because of how sick they are. What do you all do in these situations? It's sometimes very disheartening when parents don't think of the other people in the situation. My NP's know I have this family event and that I would have preferred to keep my distance till the kids are better but didn't take that into consideration. Normal colds or stuffy noses are fine but this is clearly something more serious.