Advice wording text to NP

Hi! This is a NF that I have previously worked with a lot, this past year and a half! I was a proper part time nanny for them until December ish of last year, and then I was basically doing any and all hours I could do, to help them out, until little one entered preschool, and then I was once or twice a week! I love them, they love me, they’ve offered for me to have dinner with them on multiple occasions, they’ve bought me coffee, given me sweet treats, etc etc!

I texted MB Monday, when I got my school schedule, asking about if she needed me again starting September and told her my availability, and she has yet to reply! She’s seen it, but not replied! Now I hate to be annoying, I hate double texting, and I don’t want to bother people, but would it be rude to text again, and ask if she knows more? What would that text look like, what would I say?

I’m just worried because I need to know if starting next week I have a job!