"The military parade in Afrin is a farcical show to polish the image of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries. [...] nothing more than an illusionary display through which the so-called Military Operations Administration sought to deceive everyone" [Afrin Human Rights Observatory]

The military parade in Afrin is a farcical show to polish the image of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries.

What took place a few days ago in the occupied city of Afrin was nothing more than an illusionary display through which the so-called Military Operations Administration sought to deceive everyone into believing that it had entered the city and established control. However, the clear reality is that all military sectors belonging to the armed factions and mercenaries loyal to the Turkish occupation remain in their military headquarters, and nothing has changed on the ground.

Afrin’s prisons are still filled with Kurdish civilians, and the real figures controlling the security file in the city are the leaders of Turkish-backed factions, such as "Abu Amsha" and "Saif Abu Bakr," the commander of the Hamzat Division, who continue to impose their repressive authority over the population. These blatant theatrical performances will deceive no one, and Afrin will only be free with the departure of the occupation and its mercenaries.
