my mum and another nurse misgendering and mocking a transwoman in front of me
so while I was in the room my mum was on speaker phone to another managing nurse about her work. somehow my family either doesn't know or is hoping I'm not trans, despite me growing my hair out, shaving my body, painting my nails, and constantly complaining about my voice. they have a recently admitted patient who is trans. The other nurse kept using "It" derogatorily for her and said "that's just a gay man in a skirt." then my mother was using lots of "trans identified man", type language and was always saying were supposed to say she rather than just saying she, so if the sentence was "patient admitted she is experiencing" instead she said "patients admitted 'identifies as woman so we are supposed to say she' is experiencing" it was the most verbal air quotes i have ever seen around a persons pronouns then the other nurse asked a question and when my mother said they the other nurse said "oh its not a they is it" then my mother made a joke about there not being two of them and they both laughed. any way fuck i was just feeling comfortable in expressing my fluidity then this happens, like I knew my brothers were like this but not my mum! Uhh!