No one talks about Dog Mom guilt

My dog is and always will be my first baby. I got her as a puppy. I stayed up all night when she was sick with diarrhea. I trained her to be a good polite pup. I brought her to the dog park. I gave her dog friends. We would go on long hikes together. I even made her a doggy cake for her birthday.

Then I had my son. And the older and more demanding he got the less and less she got from me. We don't go to dog parks because it's not safe for a toddler. She doesn't see much of her dog friends because they aren't great around kids (I have mostly child free friends). And hikes aren't possible with a toddler who trips on his own feet. But I think the thing that bums her out the most is she doesn't get to cuddle me as much. This poor girl is the biggest cuddle bug and most days I'm too overstimulated and exhausted to give her the same level of affection she was used to for years.

And now I'm pregnant with a second and all I can think of is the little time I do give her is going to be so far more reduced once the second comes along.

I just feel so bad. All she does is lay on the couch, to laying on the bed to laying in her dog bed. Just watching and waiting for us to interact with her. I mean she doesn't have a bad life. She gets fed taken out a warm comfy place always. But her life seems so much more unfulfilled now I feel horrible.