Can fermented foods/probiotics cause dysbiosis/infection?
I recently tried to improve my gut health and went hard on the sauerkraut and took probiotics. This was while being on a relatively limited diet (no nuts,seeds, legumes, dairy, egg or wheat) and in a very stressful time. I was also drinking lots of meat stock. Then I moved onto water kefir that had yeast sediment at the bottom. Since then developed a massive histamine intolerance, multiple food sensitivities, possible celiacs and I feel my body is just falling apart. I’m trying to work out what I’ve done to myself. Coconut oil is the only thing that’s helped (stools firmed up a little) but I’m generally getting worse and reacting to more foods. Did a GI map - low on bifido, lacto and Akkermansia. High on roseburia. Also found B. fragilius enterotoxigenic. Low on secretory IgA but zonulin was 0
Any clues?