Super Metroid Japanese guidebook profile for Samus.
Google translate (first 2 images) and Japanese original (last 2 images).
Japanese text:
サムス・アランの出生に関しては未だに謎が多い。 サムス以外で、彼女の生い立ちを知るものはただひとり。銀河連邦議長、キートンだけである。したがって、このレポートの多くは推測によって構成されていることをあらかじめ、明記しておきたい。
トランテス二等書記官 オイ・キケロ
しい。鳥人族もまた謎に包まれた種族である。かつては銀河に一大文明を誇り、そのテクノロジーは現在の我々の水準をはるかに凌駕したものだったらしい。だが、種としての限界を感じたとき、「引退」 し、銀河を若き知的生命体に譲ったという。
鳥人族は、サムスに銀河の将来を託すことにした。 鳥人族のすぐれた能力を受け継ぐために、サムスに DNAを移植し、戦いの技術をたたきこんだ。さらにパワードスーツを与え、戦闘機動力を高めた。
パワードスーツはサムスの第二の皮膚だ。彼女だけのオーダーメイドであり、ほかのものに着用することはできない。彼女の生体エネルギーに連動し、 鳥人族のテクノロジーによって、将来的なパワーアップも可能になっている。
だが、SR388でたった1匹だけ生き残ったメトロイドの幼生―ベビーメトロイドを連れ帰ったこと。(本来の任務からいえば、これは明確な違反行為である) そこに、人間としてのサムスの心情が見えてこないだろうか。自分と同じ生き残り・・・・・・。たよるものもない、ひとりぼっちの存在………………。
サムスは自分の運命をベビーに重ねあわせ、 ベビーの母として接しようとしているのではないだろうか。
★アウトロウのパウンティハンターでありなから、月の平護神でもある。 彼女を理解するものは少ない。
English translation via Metroid Wiki:
"There remain many mysteries related to the birth of Samus Aran. Beyond herself, there is only one person who knows about her early life, Chairman Keaton of the Galactic Federation. Accordingly, most of this report is composed primarily of conjecture, and needs validation. It seems that Samus was raised as a child by the Chozo."
Profile Report of Samus Aran Second Office of Torantesu, Oi Kikero
"The Chozo are a race still shrouded in mystery. Formerly taking pride in a great galactic culture, their technologies seemed to surpass even our current engineering. However, it is said that when they sensed the end of their race, they withdrew, leaving that galaxy as a young sentient lifeform. The Chozo statues seen throughout planet Zebes serve as footprints to their former civilization. Earth colony K-2L... a planet attacked by the Zebesian Space Pirates, Samus was left as the sole survivor."
(caption) "Samus Aran, raised by the few remaining Chozo. They chose Samus to be the successor of their once great culture."
"Fortunately, Samus was rescued by visiting Chozo. An unrelenting fighting spirit resided in Samus' heart... that is what the old Chozo gave her. The Chozo entrusted Samus with the future of the galaxy. She inherited their abilities by being infused with Chozo DNA, and they drilled into her fighting techniques. Then, they gave her the Power Suit, further increasing her fighting power. The Power Suit is Samus' secondary skin, custom made just for her, and cannot be worn by anyone else. It is linked with her biological energy, and can receive future power-ups made with Chozo technology.
If you encountered Samus Aran without her Power Suit, you wouldn't think of her as the number one galactic bounty hunter. She has the appearance of an innocent girl. But appearances are deceiving. Within her emerald colored eyes is a mixture of resolved glimmers and sense of independence. Men who meet her gaze will be bewildered. And the men who attempt to romance her will likely be met with a cold rejection.
As you already know, the warrior Samus annihilated the Space Pirates on planet Zebes, who had stolen Metroids, and subsequently eliminated all Metroids on SR388. However, a sole infant remained alive on SR388-the rescued Baby Metroid. (In terms of the original mission, this had been a violation of duty) There, you can see Samus' true feelings. A sole survivor like herself... No one else to rely on, a lonely existence... Samus imposed her fate onto the baby, becoming its mother, almost as if she were trying to raise it herself."