The guardians need a rework imho.

There are a bunch of cards that need reworks imho( Howard and Spider-Man 2099 come to mind.) though I feel like the guardians of the galaxy need a complete rework for a few reasons.

  1. They all work the same.

    Why? Gamora is a warrior and star-lord is more of a strategist, rocket is a tech guy, Groot is muscle, and drax is a also a warrior. Yet all of their effects are about out thinking your opponent for a modest at best buff. It doesn't make any sense for their characters. Maybe for star-lord, but not for the rest.

  2. They aren't competitive in any Sense.

So to me they feel like a deck you play around with once you hit series 3 cards, but quickly abandon and this may have changed, but drax was in series 3 and by the time I got him the deck was pretty much useless to me.

  1. They're kinda stale.

    The last update the guardians got was boosting their boosts to make them more viable, which I don't feel actually did anything to make them more viable and other then that they haven't changed at all. There's no new card that made them good, there's no new interesting to play them, their gimmick is kinda as boring and as useless as they've always been.

  2. the only one I ever see used is rocket and occasionally gamora.

The reason being is they get fairly big, for their costs and sometimes you can cheese the game and force your opponent to play into them. Though you can't really do that normally. Though you don't usually see the same love for star-lord, drax, and Groot.

5.they feel like such an afterthought.

Wolverine,x-23, Deadpool, and sabertooth have abilities that go off because they're destroyed, hinting at their invulnerability. Shield cards mess with the field or add cards to your hand, the symbiote cards usually destroy cards or weaken cards for power.

There's definitely a theme there, but they all don't have the exact same power to achieve it. So why do the guardians all have the same power more or less?

So, how I would fix it?

Well there's a few ways. Now if you want to keep them in a theme, In the movies they're former criminals turned good, Robin Hood types basically, so maybe you could have them steal power from your opponent. If you wanna make it more character based maybe rocket could build something to help in battle, drax and gamora could destroy cards, star-lord could be the one to steal power and Groot prevents cards from moving or he could block effects.

I think anything where they could be used together to an achieve a bigger overall effect would be cool sorta like high Evo. Though I think something where they could also be used individually as techs would be nice too.

I'm just a big fan of the guardian movies and it sucks that the guardians themselves aren't fun to use in snap imho.