Who would be Scientist Supreme

In one of iron man’s voice lines in marvel rivals he basicaly says that if strange gets to be sorcerer supreme he wants to be scientist supreme. My questions is if marvel officialy appointed a scientist supreme that could go to any char who would it go to. Now i think that the smartest person shouldn’t automatically become the scientist supreme because (im pretty sure) you do have to be the most powerful sorcer to be sorcerer supreme, plus this would automatically make reed richards scientist supreme as he is stated to be the smartest man alive. I think scientist supreme should have the following criteri: Intelligenc, Wisdom, Innovation, World Application and fire power. I have 5 people in mind for the role the first 3 obviously being reed richards, tony stark and hank pym, my fourth person in mind is norman osbourne and my 5th is Dr Doom. I included norman osbourne as he perfectly fits in for the application section and he has rivaled iron man previously. To be honest i think norman or victor win the wisdom category too because reed, hank and tony make some stupid ass decisions. Im going to list who i think the winner of each category is: Inteligence Reed Richards, Wisdom Victor, Innovation Hank Pym, World Application Norman Osbourne and fire power Tony Stark. I just realised every one of my characters have 1 a single category so im just going to add a 6th criteria Popularoty, at the end of the day im basically asking a political question so popularity would probably come to play, im giving popularity and the tital of scientis supreme to Tony Stark.

If you disagree with anything ive said I would love to have a debate about it