Theory regarding Dominic and the ladies purse. Heavy spoilers

This is a doubt regarding the character of Dominic. Particularly the scene in which he watches the dance of Nandita. The camera pans to his face the expressions that he went through is in question here. What was going through his mind while watching the performance? I felt he was astounded by the performance yet I felt his face was melancholic at the same moment. I'm also curious about the whole nature of his relationship with her. He is drawn to her he even admits that in the climax he was distracted by her beauty.( I mean who wouldn't just look at her) The whole dynamic I found very interesting. I don't know why I'm intrigued about it. The whole film was mid for me but this particular dynamic I found to be very interesting. I'd like to know your theories regarding their dynamic. Did he like her? Also I would have liked it if she wasn't caught in this film and the sequel to be a cat and mouse chase between the two that would've been interesting film that explored the dynamic between these two.