Aware I'm dreaming, but no really lucid.
I've been practicing lucid dreams for about 2 months. I've got good dream recall down. Now its really about training my brain to always be aware of dream signs. I had a dream last night where I was in a childhood home playing with kids. While I was doing this I all the sudden realized I'm in a dream. I continued to do what I've been thinking of trying when I become lucid but it felt like it was still a normal non lucid dream. Just basically a dream about me realizing I'm dreaming.
Then I had a false awakening but it felt the same way once I realized I was still dreaming and not awake yet. When I woke up for real, I thought to myself, "The dream couldn't have been really lucid because I would not act or do what I just did in that "lucid dream"". Like If I was really lucid, I would have stabilized it first thing and go about it less sporadic and slower. Every single "lucid dream" I've had has felt this way. 5-6 times in the last 2 months.
I think I'm still making progress because I was able to recognize dream signs when they occurred which lead to me realizing I'm dreaming. Does this happen to others as well before really get to be fully lucid?