[F22/M20] LDR BF Suddently blocked me

Hello I have a LDR BF (Different Country in EU) who blocked me suddently and I am unsure. Important Context, we both are used to having some days and phases where we talk little or some days where we don't talk. To charge up our social battery and as sometimes we are clueless what we should talk about and quality is for us important than quantity. We were talking little, so he didn't tell me any Signals. I noticed he blocked me on Discord on 28th February and since then hasn't unblocked me. Same goes for all Plattforms we had us added on. I just noticed on Snapchat and Telegram the day he blocked me, he was just posting pictures of him buying a lot of food, it was a high quantity. So I don't know if its a sign that he is taking a break. We were together for a quite longer time, so this is something very unexpected and I know a lot about him.

I doubt he lost interest, because he sent me often pictures of himself without asking, like when he was outside, at home. Usually his pictures in the past were selfies with only his index finger pointing up, so it was him and his hand where only his index finger was raised and pointing up. All pictures of him were like this recently

I am just hoping someone can clarify this situation for me, as we both are not fully 'normal' without leaking to much. This is what I noticed recently:

He was already days prior removing every single girl from his contact. For me it was an act of showing interest for me, as we were talking about marriage. For him Marriage was important as he said he doesn't want to become intimate if not in marriage. So I thought it was to show me, that I am the only girl for him.
He was also telling me how he doesn't want to be with women who are strangers in the same room.

Months ago he quit listening to music completely, no music at all. Just sometimes he said he is listening to just sometimes to vocals, but he hasn't sent me any to not scare me.

I am somewhat upset, he also changed his profile suddently. He used to like animes and had anime styled profile on discord.... But he removed it, he just made it black and white styled. This is what I found alerting, as it kind off gave me vibes of him going into a depressive phase.
He was talking about stuff which I couldn't understand. The last serious talk was when I asked him what else he does for fun when not gaming was "Life is not meant to be enjoyed, it is temporary"

I am unsure if he is ever gonna unblock me and what is happening with him. I don't want to leak much and I don't want to make a 2nd account to add him as I am not a stalker. I am just worried

Sorry for this long thought giving process, It is more for of a venting and hoping to get some clarification and perhaps not kill my hopes